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Vestibulum ligula neque, pretium in finibus maximus, auctor eu felis. Morbi lobortis ipsum eget tellus gravida, et finibus.

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An email will be sent to, which will contain the application form and all the information you need to apply.

1. Request application

2. Return completed application

3. ASIC to contact you to start the accreditation process

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UK Accreditation

The Accreditation Process

UK Accreditation Process

Our accreditation begins with the application, followed by the inspection phase - covering the full range of your institution’s educational provision, supporting activities, and documentation. The four year accreditation period ensures that (by committing to continual adherence to the ASIC Standards) your institution will maintain acceptable UK standards.

The 3 Stages of the UK Accreditation Process

Our approach challenges preconceptions about Quality Assurance and its impact. Our inspectors do not assert or instruct but rather encourage, guide, and motivate.

ASIC aims to enthuse and empower, to support lasting and continuous improvement and deliver tangible outcomes.

Stage 1

Application & Review

Submission of the application and review of documentation. If the information provided is acceptable, the process then moves to Stage 2. If it is not, the institution will be advised either: 1) To address and rectify any perceived shortcomings to then move forward. 2) It is unlikely that ASIC would accredit until the institution has undertaken further development.



Stage 2

Initial Inspection

The inspection will usually be a one day visit. The inspector(s) will look at statutory and immigration compliance, premises, management, student support, and teaching resources for advertised or planned course delivery. After the visit, the Accreditation Committee will: 1) Award Interim Accreditation for up to one year. 2) Issue required steps to take before progressing.


£1350 + £350 per inspector day

Stage 3

Full inspection

All Areas of Operation are covered throughout the process, but Stage 3 places particular emphasis on academic matters, including: learning and teaching, resources and quality management, student welfare provision, and reporting to official bodies. Inspectors also ensure that any issues noted on the initial report (from the Stage 2 visit) have been addressed.


£1200 + £350 per inspector day

Report & Award of Accreditation


The inspector will submit their report to the Accreditation Committee for consideration. (NB: the AC are responsible for the decision. ASIC inspectors/staff are unable to declare the outcome.) Notification of the decision takes approx. two weeks following the Stage 3 visit. If successfully granted, ASIC Accreditation lasts for four years from the date of award.

Interim Accreditation will last for a period of 12 months and allows the institution to begin recruiting students via the Short-term study visa, during which a Stage 3 visit will need to be arranged.

What happens during an ASIC Inspection?

What happens during an ASIC Inspection?

Stage 2: Initial Inspection

During the visit, the inspector(s) will meet with key management staff, the principal, and the institution owner. A tour of the premises will take place, including a review of the documentation listed below. An initial report is submitted at this stage to determine whether ASIC will award Interim Accreditation or else advise on any conditions to address before moving forward. At this stage inspectors will need to see:

  • Procedural documentation
  • Quality manual
  • Staff/student handbooks
  • Attendance monitoring systems
  • Sample student feedback forms
  • Marked student assignments
  • Performance monitoring systems
  • Statutory documentation

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Stage 3: Full Inspection Visit

Stage 3 involves a detailed audit of the areas listed below, observation of teaching, and meetings with staff and students to gather their perspectives. Throughout the visit, the inspector(s) will seek to encourage management and staff to look for ways to improve the institution's operation and educational provision - and suggest recommendations for consideration. Finally, there will be a concluding meeting with the principal where the inspector(s) will provide informal feedback on their findings. The notification of the decision to award full Accreditation is usually delivered two weeks after the Stage 3 visit. During Stage 3 inspectors will need to:

  • Meet the principal and CEO
  • If appropriate, meet the owners and the chair of governors
  • Introductory meeting will all staff if possible
  • Detailed survey of the library, resource area
  • Assess research facilities and research outputs
  • Assess the IT provision
  • Assess laboratory and audio visual equipment
  • Visit the refreshment areas
  • Meet a representative group of staff without senior managers being present
  • Observe a number of teaching sessions
  • Meet a representative group(s) of students without any staff being present
  • Hold a final meeting with the principal to give an informal report of their findings

Dedicated to the continual improvement of education.

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