Start your ASIC Application

Vestibulum ligula neque, pretium in finibus maximus, auctor eu felis. Morbi lobortis ipsum eget tellus gravida, et finibus.

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An email will be sent to, which will contain the application form and all the information you need to apply.

1. Request application

2. Return completed application

3. ASIC to contact you to start the accreditation process

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UK Accreditation

The Accreditation Process

ASIC UK Accreditation

Raise your international profile and increase your student recruitment as an accredited education setting with ASIC's UKVI (UK Government) approved accreditation service.

Accreditation that drives positive learning experiences.

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ASIC’s Areas of Operation

ASIC’s Areas of Operation

Our evaluation and report covers eight areas, encompassing your entire operation.

The UK is one of the world's most popular destinations for international students to embark on the next stage of their academic studies. The success of this appeal lies in our commitment to high standards and rigorous quality assurance.

ASIC Accreditation verifies that your institution has the correct systems in place to recruit genuine and appropriately qualified students. It ultimately aims to ensure that all students attending your institution receive a quality learning experience, supporting them to achieve their maximum academic potential - subsequently empowering your institution's reputation and growth.

  1. Governance, Management, and Staff Resources
  2. Quality Assurance and Enhancement
  3. Systems Management
  4. Learning, Teaching, and Research Activity
  5. Awards and Qualifications
  6. Student Welfare
  7. Premises and Health and Safety
  8. Marketing and Recruitment of Students

ASIC is..

"We were anxious, but the process was managed professionally and with a personal touch - even the CEO helped us, which added value to the service." - Yorkshire English School

Accreditation by ASIC is independent and unbiased, and our team is experienced and professional. We have designed the process to help you achieve your goals and deliver the best possible learning environment for your students.

The assessment leading to accreditation covers the whole range of facilities, resources, and activities of the institution as listed above, prioritising the student experience. Ultimately, we want to encourage our accredited institutions to be as student-focused as possible in their approach.

"We found the accreditation process very positive, supportive, interesting and helpful in developing our centre, especially at the management level. Thank you."- Notting Hill College

ASIC accreditation is holistic – encompassing institutions in their entirety (rather than particular programmes or qualifications). We will evaluate your management structure, staff expertise, facilities, and resources to recognise areas of strength and boost those requiring improvement.

The process underpins your commitment to providing a high-quality learning experience for your students in a safe and supportive environment. Once accredited, we then work with you to further enhance your offering.

Ongoing development

We deliver a regular programme of seminars and training programmes. Re-occurring topics include the accreditation process, health and safety, safeguarding and security, awarding bodies and curriculum review, ethical student recruitment, codes of practice and ethics policy development, UKVI compliance, and combating fraud. Once accredited institutions also gain access to:

  • A dedicated Customer Relations Manager and ASIC Surgeries.
  • Premium rates on CPD training from EduCare + discounts from our partners.
  • Professional Development through Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • The ASIC international network, spanning over 65 countries.
  • International promotion and marketing opportunities.
  • Help with student recruitment and agents through reduced membership of QISAN.

Dedicated to the continual improvement of education.

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