Start your ASIC Application

Vestibulum ligula neque, pretium in finibus maximus, auctor eu felis. Morbi lobortis ipsum eget tellus gravida, et finibus.

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About your Institution

Request application form

Your request has been sent

What now?

An email will be sent to, which will contain the application form and all the information you need to apply.

1. Request application

2. Return completed application

3. ASIC to contact you to start the accreditation process

Connect and celebrate with us at the 2023 ASIC Annual Conference and Education Awards: on October 25th-26th in Dubai

Internationalisation Index

Once accredited, we can take you further in your journey as a world-leading education provider. The education landscape is changing, and the ASIC Internationalisation Index places you ahead of the curve.

Embedding internationalisation within the curriculum.

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Taking you further

Once accredited, we can take you further in your journey as a world-leading education provider. The education landscape is changing, and the ASIC Internationalisation Index places you ahead of the curve. With a focus on areas typically neglected by traditional metrics, the Index allows your institution to demonstrate excellence in the areas that truly matter in providing world-class international education.

Into benefits and support

Become one of the very first

Still in development, you can enquire now to become one of the very first institutions to learn how the Internationalisation Index will help you showcase:

  • Embedding internationalisation within the curriculum
  • The attainment and development of your students as proud global citizens
  • Your focus on supporting the differing needs of international students
  • Community impact and sustainable development activities
  • And... boost your placement in international rankings, including the Times Higher Impact Rankings

Dedicated to the continual improvement of education.

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