Start your ASIC Application

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Request application form

Your request has been sent

What now?

An email will be sent to, which will contain the application form and all the information you need to apply.

1. Request application

2. Return completed application

3. ASIC to contact you to start the accreditation process

Connect and celebrate with us at the 2023 ASIC Annual Conference and Education Awards: on October 25th-26th in Dubai


Hundreds of accredited institutions around the world

To see details of those institutions currently accredited by ASIC please click on one of the directories below.

University College of Cayman Islands

Since its inception as a Community College in 1987, the UCCI has been making giant strides for education…

Boost your institution profile

Phasellus tempor nunc vel felis vulputate, non dignissim tortor venenatis. In leo massa, ornare et bibendum et, accumsan eu purus. Vivamus pulvinar augue sit amet orci suscipiti.

Dedicated to the continual improvement of education.